Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ronaldo Two Goals, Madrid Was Silent Bilbao

Ronaldo Two Goals, Madrid Was Silent Bilbao
Real Madrid against Athletic Bilbao at the Santiago Bernabeu on Monday (1/23/2012) in the continuation of La Liga.

Madrid immediately get the opportunity in the 10th minute. Ronaldo's free kick was not able to tear the road Bilbao because the direction is still wide in the goal Iraizoz.

The 13th minute, Bilbao have scored first. Through a quick counter attack, Martinez gave a long ball towards Llorente. Spanish player was immediately thrust the ball with a volley.

The new Madrid have scored the 25th minute. Cooperation Marcelo, Ronaldo and Benzema are able to make Madrid left-back was pushed into the penalty box and fired Bilbao hard kick into the top corner.

From a corner kick in the 31st minute, Ramos almost made Madrid the lead. However, Ramos header Iraizoz still leads to a hug.

Bilbao has a golden opportunity the 38th minute. Stay dealing with the goalkeeper, Llorente failed to put the ball into the goalkeeper Casillas. His shot was inches wide.

Last score at 1-1 until half-time.

In the second half, Madrid scored quickly. Just one minute berjalang, Madrid awarded a penalty when Kaka was dropped by Iturraspe in the forbidden box. Ronaldo nets Bilbao thrilling success of the white point.

Ronaldo's header exploit the 52nd minute cross wide of goalkeeper Marcelo still Bilbao.

Madrid awarded a penalty in the 67th minute. Benzema dropped by De Marcos in the forbidden box. Ronaldo kick from the spot to change the score to 3-1. De Marcos also got a red card from referee.

Playing with 10 players, Bilbao could not do anything in the second round. Madrid have scored the fourth in minutes k-86. Breakthrough bait Higuaian able forwarded to kick toward the goal that is released by the Callejon.

Score 4-1 to win Madrid last until the game was over.

With this victory, Madrid still perched at the top of La Liga with 49 points, while Athletic Bilbao in seventh with 26 points.

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