Sunday, February 5, 2012

Important Victory The Citizens

Important Victory The Citizens
Manchester - Manchester City for a temporary escape from the heavy burden after defeating Fulham. Manager Roberto Mancini is also called the win as something very important.

City did was take the full points. It's the 0-1 defeat at Everton's headquarters, the center this week, they gain points in the standings matched by Manchester United.

The Citizens can finally make a margin of three points with Manchester United after on Sunday (05/02/2012) pm dawn they beat Fulham 3-0. Goals are created through a penalty City Sergio Aguero, Chris Baird's suicide, and Edin Dzeko flick.

"The players were fantastic and played very well. It's not easy because Fulham are a good team," said Mancini told ESPN.

"This is a very important result after a defeat. We must fight against the top teams and we must win," he added. Important Victory The Citizens

"There were tough times in the season and once in January. Hopefully now we can continue to win the next game," said the Italian.
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