Thursday, February 9, 2012

Messi name as a Wine brand

Messi name as a Wine brand.
NAME Lionel Messi will be available in bars and restaurants next April. An Argentine wine companies will make Barcelona star's name as a brand.

The Bodega Valentin Bianchi, the company is located in the province of Mendoza, Argentina will launch a wine brand "Leo". Leo's name itself refers to the familiar greeting Lionel Messi.

Messi did not protest the name would be a brand of alcoholic beverages. Valentin Bianchi admitted that he had received full support from the player's number 10 back number.

Use of Messi's name as a trade name is a project undertaken with Leo Messi Foundation. Most of the profits from sales will be donated to a charity for poor children.

"This effort will collaborate with Leo Messi Foundation to continue the projects that focused on infant health and education, as well as building sports events as an important part of the struggle against poverty," declared The Bodega Valentin Bianchi, told, Wednesday (8/2).

"This is a fundamental aspect of the Foundation, which since 2008 has worked tirelessly to make the next mission, to act to help at-risk children and adolescents," he added.

This partnership will be the first project to help fund the foundation's Messi. Previously, Leo Messi Foundation to fund its own new sports facilities in Rosario, Argentina as well as scholarships to students who study medicine children. (awa / JPNN)

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