Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Real Madrid goal machine Named

Real Madrid goal machine Named
It is remarkable productivity of Real Madrid in the early half of this season. With already made ​​70 goals in 20 Primera Liga matches, Los Merengues can record fertile European team at the end of the season.

After last week's 20th Spanish League, where the last match Real Madrid's 3-1 win over Zaragoza, 'The White' from the Spanish capital has scored 70 goals!. That means every game, Cristiano Ronaldo scored an average cs 3.5 goals.

What is already etched Madrid beat Valencia in what the 1941/1942 season ago. When that El Che 'only' makes 67 goals after going through 20 games, which is so fertile after the team's record last week to -20.

Until last weekend, Madrid became one of the clubs with the highest productivity in all competitions the European leagues. El Real was just lost to Santa Coloma of Andorra Union in the League after 12 weeks has made ​​50 goals, or a goal every 4.16 matches. Great statistics were made Santa Coloma of whom completed after two games with a 10-0 victory.

Back to Madrid, if it is assumed capable of scoring goals in the same amount in the rest of the season, then at the end of the competition they will have a collection of 133 goals. For the record, fertile season Madrid in the Spanish League in the year 1989/1990, at which time it was 'only' have 107 goals established.

If you really able to break the opponent's goal as much as 133 times throughout 2011/2012, then they will write the record as the fertile club throughout the season. Not just a record in Spain, Madrid is also able to break the record in Europe for top level competition.
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