Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wenger praised Walcott and Van Persie

Wenger praised Walcott and Van Persie
London - Arsene Wenger satisfied Arsenal Performance by the action versus Blackburn Rovers. He also did not hesitate to flatter Robin van Persie and Theo Walcott and appear attractive.

After some time reached a negative result, Arsenal finally got up. Serve Blackburn at the Emirates Stadium on Saturday (2/4/2012) night, the Gunners rampage and massacred his guest with a score of 7-1.

It was Arsenal first victory in 2012 in the event the Premier League. Previously, their three defeats and one draw.

"We are experiencing the crisis for a while, but never the way we played really bad," said Wenger told Sky Sports.

"We had performed well but lost. But, last week we played well against Villa (FA Cup) and at Bolton," he said.

"We played well today and overall it makes us more excited. We had a good day and get the three points we needed," added the man French passports.

In particular, Wenger threw a compliment to Van Persie and Walcott. Tonight, Van Persie scored a hat-trick, while Walcott recorded three assists.

"We've often talked about how special he (Van Persie) and he showed it again today," said Wenger.

"He's a good ball in the penalty box and Robin are very intelligent. He is very deadly as well served," he explained.

"Theo is very efficient and also assists as important as the goal," added Wenger.
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